Daewoo Nexia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Maintenance service
+ The engine
+ 3. The engine (two top camshafts)
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel and exhaust systems
+ Electric chain
+ 7. Ignition system
- 8. The electronic block of management and gauges
- 8.2. Gauges
8.2.2. The gauge of temperature of air in an inlet collector (pipeline) (ДТВ)
8.2.3. The gauge of concentration of oxygen in the fulfilled gases (ДКК)
8.2.4. The gauge of position throttle заслонки (ДДЗ)
8.2.5. The gauge of absolute pressure in the inlet pipeline (ДАД)
- 8.2.6. The gauge of speed of the car (ДСА) An automatic box A transmission with manual switching
8.2.7. The gauge of inclusion of a central air of air
8.2.8. Switch "Parking" / a neutral (an automatic transmission)
+ Transmission
+ 10. A five-speed transmission and the main transfer RPO MM5
+ 11. Automatic Transmission
+ Steering
+ Running gear
+ 14. A forward suspension bracket
+ 15. A drive of forward wheels
+ 16. A back suspension bracket
+ Brake system
+ Body
+ Heating, ventilation
+ Electric equipment
| A transmission with manual switching
The gauge of speed of the car (a transmission with manual switching)
To remove or disconnect
To establish or attach
1. The gauge in a nest crankcase transmissions. |
2. A privodnoj cable of a speedometer to the gauge. |
3. An electric socket. |