Daewoo NexiaSince 1994 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Daewoo Nexia + The maintenance instruction + Maintenance service + The engine + 3. The engine (two top camshafts) + Cooling system + Fuel and exhaust systems + Electric chain + 7. Ignition system + 8. The electronic block of management and gauges + Transmission + 10. A five-speed transmission and the main transfer RPO MM5 + 11. Automatic Transmission + Steering + Running gear - 14. A forward suspension bracket 14.2. The general description 14.3. Check of size of forces of a friction in a suspension bracket 14.4. Condition check подшипниковых support and spherical hinges 14.5. The stabilizer 14.6. A rack in gathering with подшипниковой a support 14.7. The bottom lever 14.8. The spherical hinge 14.9. A nave and the wheel bearing 14.10. The top support 14.11. Springs 14.12. The shock-absorber 14.13. Plugs of hinges of the bottom lever + 15. A drive of forward wheels + 16. A back suspension bracket + Brake system + Body + Heating, ventilation + Electric equipment |
14.2. The general description
The device of a forward suspension bracket
On the car the independent rychazhno-telescopic suspension bracket with spring elastic elements is established. The suspension bracket consists of the bottom levers, telescopic racks with shock-absorbers, springs, the top support and the stabilizer. In hinges of the bottom levers rubber plugs are used. The top support of a telescopic rack is supplied rubber демпфиру ющим by an element and the persistent bearing for possibility of turn of forward wheels. Telescopic racks bear подшипниковые support of wheels which шарнирно are connected with the bottom levers of a suspension bracket spherical hinges. Shafts of spherical fingers are inserted into apertures подшипниковых support and fixed by nuts. Cases of spherical hinges приклепаны to the bottom levers. At carrying out of servicing of a suspension bracket the definitive inhaling of fixing bolts of support of the bottom lever and стабилизато ра should be made only in such position of details of a suspension bracket which corresponds to static loading of the car. The suspension bracket occupies static position at опирании the equipped car on an equal and horizontal platform. |