Daewoo Nexia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Daewoo Nexia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Maintenance service
+ The engine
+ 3. The engine (two top camshafts)
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel and exhaust systems
+ Electric chain
+ 7. Ignition system
+ 8. The electronic block of management and gauges
+ Transmission
- 10. A five-speed transmission and the main transfer RPO MM5
   10.2. The general description
   10.3. Diagnostics of malfunctions
   10.4. The possible reasons of the raised noise of a transmission
   10.5. Level check transmission oils
   10.6. Adjustment of a drive of the mechanism of switching
   10.7. The gear change lever
   10.8. The floor mechanism of management of a transmission
   10.9. Draught of the mechanism of management
   10.10. The intermediate lever
   10.11. A speedometer drive
   10.12. A cover of the mechanism of the switch
   10.13. Consolidations of semiaxes
   10.14. Transmissions in gathering
   10.15. Dismantling of a transmission and the main transfer
   10.16. Characteristic malfunctions of a transmission and the possible reasons
+ 11. Automatic Transmission
+ Steering
+ Running gear
+ 14. A forward suspension bracket
+ 15. A drive of forward wheels
+ 16. A back suspension bracket
+ Brake system
+ Body
+ Heating, ventilation
+ Electric equipment

10.4. The possible reasons of the raised noise of a transmission

Often noise from such sources as tyres, bearings of naves of wheels, the Engine, system of release of the fulfilled gases wrongly is accepted to transmission noise. The noise level in salon can change largely as it depends on the sizes of the car, and also type and quantity applied шумоизолирующих materials. The transmission, as well as any шестеренный the mechanism, is not absolutely silent. Therefore work of a serviceable transmission always accompanies ся small noise. For check of noise level of a transmission on the move автомоби ля it is necessary to execute the following:

1) to Choose a site of road with an equal asphalt covering for reduction of the noise created at качении of tyres, and level of resonant noise in car salon.

2) car Run to warm up to normal working temperature all units of the car.

3) to Write down value of speed of the car and number of the included transfer at which the noise increase is observed.

4) to Check up noise presence at engine work idling and the motionless car.

5) to Define, in what from movement modes is observed the raised noise.

5а) Dispersal – smooth or sharp.

5б) Uniform movement – movement of the car with constant speed at small coal of opening throttle заслонки on horizontal road.

5в) Braking by the engine – movement of the car with the included transfer and partially or completely closed throttle заслонкой.

5г) On all modes listed above.

Noise of bearings

Noise of bearings of the main transfer can be easily confused with noise of bearings of wheels. As bearings of the main transfer have a preliminary tightness, their noise should not decrease considerably at work of a transmission and rotation of the hung out driving wheels. For noise of bearings of wheels that it proceeds and at car movement накатом on a neutral in a transmission is characteristic. As bearings of wheels have no preliminary tightness, their noise considerably decreases at rotation of the hung out wheels.


For бринеллнрованил bearings clicks or the knocks which frequency approximately twice is less than frequency of rotation of a wheel, as rollers движутся more slowly are characteristic.

Бринеллирование is a consequence of action of the big forces pressing bodies качения (balls or rollers) in a bearing ring. Thus on a ring path deepenings are formed. Бринеллирование it is observed at запрессовке bearing rings on a neck of a shaft or in a nest crankcase if force is put through a holder with bodies качения and the second ring. Бринеллирование the vibration operating on a case detail in which the bearing or a rotating shaft is established causes also. An external sign бринеллирования is presence on a surface of a racetrack of the bearing of the small dents doing it similar to washing board. Work of the defective bearing is accompanied by strong noise of low tone.


Лапингование it is caused by small abrasive particles of scale, sand, corundum, etc. materials which are transferred by oil. These particles cause development of racetracks and bodies качения подшипни ков. The defective bearing can have considerable люфт, but smoothly work. The reason лапингования is car operation on the polluted oil.


Jamming of bearings occurs at hit on a racetrack of large alien particles. These particles can jam bodies качения and lead проворачи ванию one of bearing rings. Unduly big preliminary tightness of conic bearings also can cause their jamming.


Питтинг, or dot выкрашивание surfaces качения, is a consequence of normal fatigue deterioration at long action of cyclic contact pressure. Питтинг can become also a consequence of wrong installation of the bearing or develop after introduction about contacting surfaces of firm alien particles.


Споллинг, or scaly выкрашивание and растрескивание surfaces качения, is a consequence of an overload or wrong installation of the bearing (несоосность, a warp of rings or unduly big preliminary tightness).